The B.S. in Chemistry at Oakland University is accredited by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and offers students the opportunity to study the chemical sciences as a basis for graduate study in the physical sciences, employment in industrial or national laboratories, or professional studies in medicine. Supporting undergraduate research opportunities is a main tenet of the Department.
Contact Us:
Jessica Koppen
STEP Adviser
247 Mathematics and Science Center
(248) 370-2324
[email protected]
Jennifer Tillinger
B.A./B.S. Chemistry Adviser
244 Mathematics and Science Center
(248) 370-2883
[email protected]
Program OverviewBachelor of Arts RequirementsBachelor of Science RequirementsMinor Requirements
Department of Chemistry
Mathematics and Science Center, Room 260
146 Library Drive
Rochester, , MI 48309-4479
(location map)
(248) 370-2320
fax: 370-2321
146 Library Drive
Rochester, , MI 48309-4479
(location map)
(248) 370-2320
fax: 370-2321