Master of Science in Chemistry
The Master of Science in Chemistry program prepares students for graduate study at the Ph.D. level, advanced employment in chemical and related industries, or teaching at a two-year college. The M.S. in Chemistry has both research thesis and non-thesis options.
Ziming Yang
289 Mathematics and Science Center
[email protected]
Advising Forms: Please email Tracey Kosaski at [email protected] to request the MS (Thesis) Course Requirement form or the MS (non-Thesis) Course Requirements form.
Program RequirementsDepartment of Chemistry
Mathematics and Science Center, Room 260
146 Library Drive
Rochester, , MI 48309-4479
(location map)
(248) 370-2320
fax: 370-2321
146 Library Drive
Rochester, , MI 48309-4479
(location map)
(248) 370-2320
fax: 370-2321